Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sickness=No Productivity

I woke up early this morning feeling terrible. I'll spare you all the details, but needless to say, I did not go to work today. In fact, I didn't even leave my bed until around 11am and continued to rest on the couch until about 2pm. I'm feeling better now and am glad that whatever it was is now passing. Therefore, today has had no productivity thus far. My table still only has two coats of pain and needs about two more. Here is the before photo of my first project:

I probably won't get completely finished with it until this weekend. VBS is already taking a lot out of me and it's only been on night! Opening night was a bit chaotic, but very fun. I have 10 3rd graders who's attention is hard to maintain. Also, the person who signed up to be my helper for the week backed out last minute. Thankfully my awesome friend Erica asked if there was anything she could do. Just the presence of another adult figure helps so so much. Last night we taught the kids about Joseph's journey up until he was placed in jail when Pharaoh's wife told a lie about him. It cracked me up when our "Joseph" was telling the story he explained this part as "Pharaoh's wife wanted Joseph to be her boyfriend...and that is not ok." I had to hold back laughter so the kids wouldn't get distracted. I guess that is the best way to describe that situation to children. They had fun making 2 of there teammates mummies and decorating Cairo Collars and headpieces to wear. Hopefully tonight will run a little more smoothly. Carrie, our childrens director, was stressing out a bit last night, but it went really well considering. I look forward to the rest of the week! And the exhaustion that comes along with it. I makes me miss the YMCA and working directly with children. I guess we'll see what God has in store when we get out of Alabama. Here are some VBS photos thus far!

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